would you still love me?
if i never changed?
if our God never told me,
i wasn't supposed to be this way?
would you still love me?
if it was right in front of your face?
if i brought a girl to church?
if i asked her to stay?
i hope you don't think,
that someday i'll change-
that God will reach down,
that He will re-arrange
all of the pieces that make me me-
forming me into who you think
i'm supposed to be.
would you still love me?
if i stayed gay?
if i never heard God ask me,
to change my ways?
so i guess the question is-
do you expect me to change?
do you think i'm broken?
or do you think i was born this way?
do you think its a challenge?
do you think its a gift?
or do you think it's just something-
that we have to deal with?
are you praying everyday-
for the gay to go away?
do you see this all as a sign
that i've actually strayed?
do you think i'm only meant-
to be with a man?
are you hoping God will cure me?
these are the thoughts i can't stand.
because i'll listen to God
before i listen to you,
and he's never given any indication
that i'm not perfect through and through.
i'm scared that in the coming,
weeks, months and years
something will finally become clear
because i don't think that im broken
i know that im whole
but the hurt of rejection
from a family i hold close-
so im asking you now
do you think that he'll change me?
do you think that i am a miracle
just in the making?
are you expecting a flip
or a switch or a change?
are you expecting me to eventually-
take a man's last name?
because church is not Jesus
just a representation of
and the church does not get
to tell me who to love,
that is a lesson i can only learn from above.
and He's never told me
i haven't heard hide or hair
of being broken or wrong
because of who i love.
i believe in community
i believe in the church
it's just i wouldn't want to be left in the lurch
if someday i find somebody i love
and the church says no simply because
this persons chromosomes aren't XY
they aren't a he
and if i get told i haven't allowed God to heal me
i know that that would be the last straw
i might leave the church that would be all
how am i supposed to show people that Jesus is love
if the church doesn't demonstrate all that He's made of
i could just switch churches but God's planted me here
given me family, but also the fear
that one day maybe not so far down the road
i wont be enough i'll be left in the cold.
i know that god loves me
but i want you to too
so i ask again, please answer with truth:
would you still love me
if i never changed
if our God never told me
i wasn't supposed to be this way?
would you still love me
if it was right in front of your face
if i brought a girl to church?
and i asked her to stay?